
WasteReuse aims to the development of new and alternative agricultural practices with the use of treated (or potentially untreated) agricultural waste (AW), which affects, besides the production itself, the quality of soil, water and air by considering the effect of the following significant parameters; soil properties, soil-climate relation and environmental conditions.

There exist many projects relative to the development of Agricultural Waste treatment technologies that have been funded within European funding schemes and especially LIFE. Most of them focused on the development of innovative technologies for wastes treatment as well as, for the improvement of production processes which further produce “cleaner” wastes. Apart from European research/scientific communities, there are also companies and individuals (SMEs, environmentalists, etc) who have developed technologies or improved production routes aiming to achieve better quality final products and minimize waste volumes and thus, environmental degradation caused by their disposal.


Towards Sustainable Use of Agricultural Waste WASTEREUSE Forum

Brussels, 12 May 2015



Budget and Duration

The project “Best practices for Agricultural Wastes (AW) treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean countries” started on 1st September 2011 and will last four years, until 31st August 2015.

Project code: LIFE10 ENV/GR/594

Total Budget: 1.384.799 €

European Commission contribution: 679.399 €

Beneficiaries’ contribution: 705.400 €


Latest News

Final report Wastereuse



Laymans’ Report

The Laymans’ Report of WasteReuse is available for the stakeholders. It presents briefly the project, the objectives, the Actions

and the results to the societal stakeholders.

You can download the English version of the Report here

You can download the Dutch version of the Report here



Publication: “Organic wastes as alternative to inorganic fertilizers in crop cultivation”

The paper by T. Hernández, C. Chocano, J.L. Moreno and C. García “Organic wastes as alternative to inorganic fertilizers in crop cultivation”  has been published in October 2014.

The financial support of the WasteReuse LIFE10 ENV/GR/594 project has been acknowledged.


Publication: “Assessment of groundwater contamination risk in an agricultural area in north Italy”

The paper by Georgios Bartzas, Federico Tinivella, Luca Medini, Dimitra Zaharaki and Kostas Komnitsas “Assessment of groundwater contamination risk in an agricultural area in north Italy”  has been published in October 2014 in the “INFORMATION PROCESSING IN AGRICULTURE” 2 (2015) 109–129.

The financial support of the WasteReuse LIFE10 ENV/GR/594 project has been acknowledged.


7th Newsletter – August 2015

The 7th WasteReuse Newsletter is available to download: