ACTION 11: Project Monitoring
Responsible Beneficiary: Technical University of Crete
Project Monitoring will last 48 months (entire duration of the project) and is organized into five layers: the Steering Committee, the Monitoring Committee, the Technical Committee, the Dissemination Committee and the Beneficiaries’ Group Leaders (Fig. 2), in order to measure and document the effectiveness of the project actions as compared to initial situation, objectives, expected results and environmental impacts.
– Steering Committee (SC). The Committee is the decision taking and arbitration body and is responsible for the overall strategy and policies of the project (supervision of the implementation of the work program, reviewing and assessing project results and progress toward milestones and objectives, evaluation of the effectiveness of the project actions and environmental impacts by consulting MC reports, initiating appropriate activities in case of deviation, validation of the reports, procedures to be followed, policies on knowledge management). The Committee is composed of the senior representative of each partner (Prof. K. Komnitsas, Dr. T. Hernández, Dr. F. Tinivella, Dr. Luca Medini, Ms. E. Tavlaki), who are also responsible for the management of their project parts, and is chaired by the coordinator.
– Monitoring Committee (MC): The Committee is responsible to supervise the fulfillment of monitoring protocols for each action, to control monitoring indicators and sources of verification and is composed of three members, one from each country and it will be chaired by a Monitoring Director-MD (Dr. Ma.T.Hernández – CEBAS). The three members have the authority to contact personally the Technical and the Dissemination Director and to collect data regarding the implementation of project’s actions, dissemination effectiveness, progress toward milestones and objectives as well as, all data regarding effectiveness of the project actions and environmental impacts. The MD reports to the SC and to Coordinator, consults on the collected data and propose future actions.
– Technical Committee (TC): is composed of the Beneficiaries’ Group Leaders. It will be chaired by a Technical Director (Dr. Federico Tinivella-CERSAA). The responsibilities of the TC include: definition, allocation and supervision of all actions and their performance, implementation of actions according to timetable, submission of deliverables, meeting of milestones, completion of protocols on time, meeting project’s objectives and reporting to SC and Coordinator. For monitoring issues the TC reports to the MC. The TC will, if necessary, take strategic decisions on behalf of the project. The TC will often contact Group Leaders to monitor progress, identify any problems and foresee corrective measures if needed.
– Dissemination Committee (DC): is composed of one representative of each one of the Beneficiaries, who has previous experience in disseminating project results. It will be chaired by Dissemination Director (Ms. Elena Tavlaki). The DC will be responsible for the overall dissemination strategy, the organization and design of the dissemination actions undertaken by the Beneficiaries, the evaluation of the strategy’s impacts to the target audiences, the evaluation of the dissemination data, of the project’s web-site, of the network efficiency and the development of links with major European organizations’ to maximize dissemination. Moreover, the Dissemination Committee will prepare in cooperation with the responsible Beneficiary of Action 12 (Signosis Sprl.) an “After-LIFE+ Communication Plan” for the active dissemination of project outcomes after its completion
– Beneficiaries’ Group Leaders: are responsible for the coherent and integrated financial and technical management, planning, monitoring and reporting of their Actions, as well as for their successful and comprehensive execution.