Expected Results
The project through its lab experimentations and especially its demonstration actions will lead to concrete and practical results, providing the ability to implement the developed agricultural practices elsewhere, covering the needs of the implementation areas, of other regions, or even of the Mediterranean countries, after their evaluation in terms of economic and technical viability, as well as completion of LCA and Risk Analysis.
Thus, specific guidelines and recommendations will be developed in order to:
- promote recycling of wastes in production systems that respect the environment, are economically viable, and sustain the multiple functions of agriculture, namely its social, cultural and recreational aspects
- preserve and enhance soil fertility
- minimize pollution of soil, water and air
- secure a sustainable production of healthy and high quality crops
- minimize effects on human and animal health from waste management practices
- promote conservation of natural resources
- promote and maintain high biological diversity in the agro-ecosystems concerned and in surrounding areas
The expected results of the project, categorized by actions, are:
ACTION 1 – Project Monitoring by TUC
- Five Reports to EC (Inception Report, Annual and bi-annual Progress Reports, Mid-term Report and Final Report).
- Development of eight (8) efficient management tools (timetables, documents for the Beneficiaries communication, questionnaire for project management effectiveness).
ACTION 2 – Initial assessment of existing AW treatment technologies
- An inventory of all available technologies for AW treatment, grouped by level of development (lab, pilot, full scale). The inventory will be uploaded on the web-site of the project.
- A Report with preliminary techno-economical and environmental evaluation of all feasible technologies.
- A Report including weight-based indicators for quantitative evaluation of AW treatment technologies.
ACTION 3- Development of alternative agricultural practices – Lab experiments (Spain)
- Collection and chemical analyses of almost 30 AW (raw and after treatment) of different origin.
- Ten (10) soils representative of Spain and five (5) of Greece will be fully analyzed.
- Assessment of the effect of the different AW on soil properties, plant tolerance and production.
- A Report with characterization of wastes treated by different technologies (to feed Action 5).
- A Report which will include developed methods, expected effects on soil properties and Alternative Cultivation Practices for the most widely cultivated crops in Spain and other Med countries.
ACTION 4 – Development of alternative agricultural practices – Lab experiments (Italy)
- Collection and chemical analyses of almost 30 AW of different origin.
- Ten (10) soils representative of Italy and five (5) of Greece will be fully analyzed. Maria, are we going to send soils?
- Assessment of the effect of the different AW on soil properties, plant tolerance and production.
- A Report with characterization of wastes treated by different technologies (to feed Action 6).
- A Report which will include developed methods, the expected effects on soil properties and Alternative Cultivation Practices for the most widely cultivated crops in Italy and other Med countries.
ACTION 5 – Demonstration – Spain
- Two demonstration fields in Spain, one open (of almost 2,500m2) and one protected (of almost 200m2).
- Open field cereals cultivation
- Greenhouse vegetables cultivation: AW will be applied at 2 different doses plus an untreated control.
- Report with alternative methods for cultivation of main market crops under Spanish climatic conditions.
ACTION 6 – Demonstration – Italy
- Two demonstration fields in Italy, one open (of almost 2,500m2) and one protected (of almost 200m2).
- Open field vegetables cultivation.
- Greenhouse basil and ornamentals cultivation: AW will be applied at 2 different doses plus an untreated control.
- Report with alternative methods for cultivation of main market crops under Spanish climatic conditions.
ACTION 7 – LCA and Risk Analysis
- LCA study including system boundaries in each case selected for demonstration activities (report).
- Risk Analysis including the most important parameters involved in LCA studies (global warming, acidification and eutrophication potential, etc.) (report).
- Methodology for identification of carbon footprint (through evaluation of existing methodologies) (report)
ACTION 8 – Use of treated AW in agriculture-terms and conditions
- A Code of Waste Management Practices for Agricultural Application which will provide decision making tools and include Alternative Cultivation Practices for the most widely cultivated crops in Med area.
- A Report including concrete actions, measures and means conforming to European legislation requirements that needs to be taken by Mediterranean national policy makers.
- A report including legislative recommendations for AW reuse policy.
ACTION 9 – Dissemination
- Four workshops (one for each participating country) plus – one conference during the last year.
- Scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals (3-4 for each partner from GR, ES and IT) and participation in international conferences (3-4 for each partner from GR, ES and IT).
- Official Edition with project’s results (in English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, French and Flemish).
- A well designed website, forums and blog which will include also partners’ area.
ACTION 10 – Networking
- An active network between scientific/research, industry/market and policy makers communities. It is envisaged that the number of participants will exceed 30.
ACTION 12 – After LIFE Communication Plan
- Plan which will ensure future dissemination and potential implementation of project’s achievements, through stakeholders and mainly through Agricultural and Market/Industrial Associations.